Sunday, November 14, 2010

Response to VOCs

Hi Elves,

So, I just now joined Lothlorien Elf Gossip. I literally could not figure out how to join this e-mail list until like ... 2 days ago. Now I can e-mail all of you! It's splendid. 

So! VOCs. You were a surprisingly gentle bunch. The main complaint I got was that people didn't know what I did and that I don't give enough updates. I only started figuring out what I should do recently. You are absolutely right that I should update more. My biggest self-criticism is that I keep telling myself I am going to do something, then I procrastinate and nothing happens. It's lame as HELL. 

Anywho, so, it is now time for me to change my ways. I'm going to try to send out a report every other week. At the end of the semester, I want to put my notes together to map out BSC finances as best I can so that there's a quick reference available on Lothipedia. I also want to revise and explanation of my position. 

Ah, so that brings us to what I do. What do I do? Well, my purpose is to prevent managers from embezzling. I am currently doing this by looking at decentralization reports and asking questions about changes I notice. For example, the maintenance account has fluctuated a bit this semester. Anders said the main culprit for this up-and-downage is the SOLAR PANELS. Now, exactly how that works ... Not sure. I'll have to ask Alfred. 

I set up a blog at the beginning of the semester which I need to update more often. I'll post this update, as well as others, here:

Later this evening, I plan to post the answers to some questions I asked the coordinators recently. Here's a list of my long and short-term goals in case you are interested:

Short term goals:
--Check nifty bundle of checks that Jarrod gave me against electronic bank statements
--Look at decentralization reports and ask managers questions about them more often. 

Long term goals:
--Compile notes that I've taken over the semester for Lothipedia.
--More clearly define my position and how to do it (on Lothipedia)

Questions? Tips? Concerns? You can comment on the blog, e-mail me or talk to me :-)



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