Sunday, November 14, 2010

Some Q$A with the managers ...

What comprises miscellaneous expenses?
Couldn't get an answer on this one. I suppose I should talk to Central Office.
Centralized coop maintenance expense has been climbing, from 6 grand Oct 13 to 9 grant Oct 27 to 10 grand Nov 3... This from carpets? What's it from?
So, Anders and I spoke in passing about these questions. Most maintenance expenses are for things like nails and other necessary items to keep the house in shape. With the way maintenance expenses have been climbing, it may be a good idea for the house to discuss things that we've approved, such as cleaning the carpets. Can we afford all of the larger improvements we have committed to? Anders and I spoke about getting together to come up with a budget for maintenance for next semester.
House approved projects is at 10 grand deficit. It was at 34 grand. It went down a lot. I'm curious how? Other fluctuations as well.
This is apparently related to payments on the solar panels. I should interview Alfred about this.
There have been a lot of fluctuations in the maintenance budgets. Why?
I'm still not totally clear on this. Apparently, it also has something to do with payments on the solar panels ... ?
How do we have a surplus in the food budget when we eat so luxuriantly?
We actually DO NOT have a surplus. In fact, we have a post-food-orgy deficit. I'd have to double check with Jarrod on how much that deficit is.

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